Company description Terravesta is the leading specialist for Miscanthus in the energy crop and biomass supply chain, producing sustainable energy and biomass from less productive land. Terravesta provides a sustainable solution for farmers and nature by improving soil, air and water health, biodiversity and reducing fertiliser use. Terravesta also provides high-yield IP protected, climate zone adapted varieties of Miscanthus, planting equipment, agronomic data and advice, and long term off-take contracts. Terravesta invests heavily in research and development. It works not only with growers and companies, but also with academia, NGOs and governments to meet the needs of nature, farmers and industry. The mission is to develop perennial crops that reduce atmospheric carbon while creating new sustainable markets, materials and products. Terravesta operates Europe’s largest nursery of Miscanthus rhizomes which makes it possible to supply thousands of hectares within a year's notice. These rhizomes are exclusively cultivated to supply and establish new biomass fields. Specific nursery protocols are maintained in order to assure fresh and vigorous rhizomes for guaranteed establishment success. The rhizomes are then sold to growers with whom Terravesta has entered into long-term agreements to purchase Miscanthus biomass. Terravesta's operations use an improved, Miscanthus variety, Miscanthus x giganteus Terravesta Terravesta ATHENA™ It has undergone rigorous selection and development to ensure more vigorous, stronger, hardier plants with stable yields, tolerance to more extreme conditions and increased yields. Terravesta is currently working on the commercial development of five further CVPO protected hybrids through an exclusive agreement with Aberystwyth University. These should provide even better yields and individual technical characteristics good for specific industries and applications in selected climates.