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Growing Miscanthus giganteus in Denmark for use in district heating networks and construction products.

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A carbon negative plant-based innovation for climate change mitigation.

Miscanthus x giganteus is a perennial rhizomatous grass.

As well as providing raw lignocellulosic biomass for sustainable markets, materials and products, it also increases organic matter in soils, stores carbon and enhances biodiversity. It is suitable for various Danish agricultural support schemes.

After it is established, this sterile, non-invasive hybrid grows to a height of up to 3.5 meters per season. Miscanthus receives little or no cultivation during its 20+ year lifespan and its root structure stabilises and improves soil quality and slows down flooding, preventing soil and nutrient run-off into watercourses.

The Danish district heating sector utilizes biomass extensively as a sustainable and renewable energy source, contributing significantly to the country’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions and enhance energy security.

Miscanthus giganteus offers practicality, sustainability and stable returns to farmes.

Book a call with an expert today.

Tell us about your farm and the caracteristics of the fields you want to cultivate.