Sustainability and biodiversity pledge
Terravesta aspires to be a leader in the responsible and economic evolution of sustainably grown and processed energy crops.
We aim to be at the forefront of sustainable procurement through a set of principles that are applied across our energy crops business.
Sustainability Principles
Our policy is designed to ensure that we can verify that our biomass and energy products have been produced legally and are environmentally sustainable. We will comply, as a minimum, with the sustainability requirements being introduced by the UK Government, the EU Commission and national institutions and reflected through the needs of our customers.
In addition, our procurement process is aimed at ensuring that the production and delivery of our products will:
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil fuel derived alternatives;
- Avoid net release of carbon from the vegetation and soil of either forests or agricultural lands;
- Preserve food supply or communities where the use of biomass is essential for subsistence;
- Not adversely affect protected or vulnerable biodiversity;
- Deploy good practices to protect and improve soil, water and air quality;
- Contribute to the prosperity of the local population in the area of energy crop growing and processing.
These principles are based on the developing regulatory and policy initiatives of the UK, European Union and other markets. Over time we will seek to amend or improve them by working with accredited bodies to develop the use of internationally recognised standards and principles which will apply to all of our procurement and production activities. In doing so we hope to foster environmental leadership today and in the future.
Accordingly we will:
- Ensure that these sustainability principles are demonstrably met through our purchasing contracts.
- Participate in policy initiatives supporting sustainable biomass fuels in all the countries in which we operate.
Other relevant information
In the United Kingdom a list of Land Sustainability Criteria are implemented by Terravesta in conformity with the UK Renewables Obligation Order.