This is going to be a much shorter Agronomy Update than previous editions as many of our growers will be either getting ready for harvest or already in the swing of it.
Near perfect growning conditions have dominated the weather at Agronomy HQ in northern Cambridgeshire. New and old crops continue to grow and emerge, as do the weeds. If you have any concerns about weed control then please give the Agronomy Hotline a call (07535 649 111).
As I have said in previous editions, please be patient with emergence of newly planted crops. Some rhizomes can take a long time to come through and a small percentage may even be dormant until the spring following planting. If you wish to check emergence please refer back to June’s edition on how to do quick emergence counts.
Leaf tissue testing
Some reports have come in to the Agronomy Hotline regarding older crops (10 years+) that have areas that are very vigorous and other areas that are less so. We have had a small number of leaf samples analysed at the Yara Lancrop Labs. The difference in nutrient status of the leaves between the vigorous crop and the less vigorous crop has been inconclusive. But I would stress that we have only analysed 2 sites so far and the #TVAgronomist would be keen to hear from you if you have similar symptoms in your crop.
Planting 2020
UK demand for Miscanthus continues to outstrip supply and we are seeking growers to plant our new variety Athena in 2020. Athena has many benefits over the traditional Miscanthus giganteus not least of which is a shorter establishment period. Athena produces its 1st harvest a year sooner than M. giganteus and produces a bigger yield.
We are well into planning for planting 2020 and are keen to speak to prospective growers. If you are interested then don’t delay and please contact the Establishment Team…