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Find out how to increase your Miscanthus yield

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  • 2 min read

We’re running a remediation workshop in Lincolnshire on the 26th January 2018. The event is open to all of our growers, and runs from 11am to 2pm.

Delegates will have the chance to view a crop which has seen a yield increase of 32% due to remedial work done in 2015.

“The yield for 2016 harvest was 251 tonnes, which averaged 7 tonnes per hectare. In 2017 the harvest was 300 tonnes, averaging 9 tonnes per hectare,” says Jacob Duce, sales and marketing manager for Terravesta.

“The yield will hopefully continue to increase, and this is down to simple measures which any Miscanthus grower can employ,” he says.

The farmer used a Terravesta contractor to split the rhizomes apart and spread them around the field. The even spread initiated new growth and a thicker canopy.

“In older, well-established crops, we’re seeing compaction beginning to limit crop productivity. Compaction may be caused by cutting and baling in wet conditions or where bales may have been stacked on the field, or even as a result of repetitive turning/traffic due to awkward field shapes. The only way to alleviate this is by sub-soiling, if the soil conditions allow,” says Jacob.

“Crops that are thin or have small gaps can be thickened by sub-soiling and ground cultivation in order to split and spread the rhizomes into the empty spaces.

“Where you have large gaps, sub-soiling and thickening will not be enough to fill these and it could be worth considering infill replanting.”

To find out more about remediation, please come along to our FREE remediation workshop. You can book ahead on our homepage.

For more advice on miscanthus planting, agronomy or remedial advice, please get in touch with the Terravesta team: 01522 731873