We concluded 2019 planting in the last week of May and can confirm that a total of 395ha of Terravesta Athena™ has been planted.
We’ve used a total of eight planters nationally and these have to be transported all over the country and maintained to the highest level to keep up with our tight schedule.
The ground preparation from growers has been the best we have ever seen and the rhizome quality is fantastic, with emergence reported to be up already.
It’s been the most successful and smooth operation yet and i’d like to give a special thanks to the work of Andrzej, Mick and Richard for their amazing work this year.
Farmers wanting to know more about emergence and best practice for establishment please contact our new agronomist, Russell Armstrong, on the ‘agronomy hotline’:
email: agronomy@terravesta.com
twitter hashtag #TVAgronomist
Agronomy hotline: 07535 649 111