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The joy of pellets

  • Blog
  • 1 min read

The amount of joy that a 6mm pellet can bring is out of all proportion to its size. Terravesta created its first Miscanthus pellets last month in Kimbolton, Cambridgeshire, with 1,000 tonnes processed for supply to a major power-generating customer.

Pellets are where the market is. They are what power generators want now and, in time, will be the format that will make Miscanthus a viable biomass heating solution for all sorts of other users.

But Miscanthus pellets are notoriously difficult to produce. Hence the joy at Terravesta at the physical proof that our unique pelleting process works effectively and for large volumes. We need to stay strict about moisture content – 18% and below please, growers – but that initial tonnage will be the first of many thousands that we will produce and sell.

It’s all part of building a sustainable long-term market that will encourage growers to plant new Miscanthus acreage with confidence. A 6mm pellet is a powerful thing.